The Sindh Bar Council is a statutory supervisory authority for Sindh lawyers to protect the rights, interests, rights and privileges of lawyers practising in Sindh Province, Pakistan. The Council is an advisory body that regulates the conduct of lawyers and assists in the administration of justice. It was established under section 3 (ii) of the Legal Practitioners and Bar Counsel Act 1973. [1] All lawyers practising in a court or tribunal in Sindh are licensed and regulated by the Council. Lawyers licensed and regulated by other provincial law societies may also practise in Sindh. 54. Deletion of name The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall have the power to revoke the name of a lawyer in the exercise of the powers provided for in Article 34, paragraph 4, and an appeal against his order shall be lodged with the Bar Council. The name of the lawyer thus removed from the list shall be communicated to the district bar and the district judge concerned, who shall ensure that none of these persons is able to practise law in their district. (i) «Rules» or «these Rules» means the rules set out in section 56 of the Act.
37. (a) Every candidate for admission to the bar shall, in addition to the oral examination, pass a written examination held quarterly under the direction and supervision of the Council`s Legal Education Committee on the following subjects, as amended: (i) Code of Civil Procedure of 1908. (ii) Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 and Pakistan Penal Code, 1860. (iii) Qanoon-e-Shahadat 1984. (iv) Time Limits Limitation Act 1908. (v) Constitution of the Islamic Church Republic of Pakistan 1973. (vi) Law Practitioners and Bar Associations Act 1973 and Regulations 2002. (i) Civil Procedure Code 1908 (ii) Criminal Procedure Code 1898 / Pakistan Penal Code 1860. (iii) Qanoon-e-Shahadat 1984.
(iv) Limitation Act 1908. (v) Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan of 1973. (vi) Law Practitioners and Bar Associations Act 1973 and Regulations 2002. (vii) Relevant laws contained in the list of cases submitted by the complainant. The Council is responsible for regulating the legal profession and practice in Sindh. It maintains the list of lawyers admitted to the bar in Sindh province and is responsible for admitting new members to the bar. Sindh Law Practitioners and Bar Rules 2002 36-A Tolerance of delay If the registration documents referred to in Rules 34 and 35 are not submitted by the applicant within three months of the completion of the training, the following additional amount for the delay shall be paid as indicated under Article 14. Unless otherwise provided in these rules of procedure, transactions which are not included in the list of undertakings may be carried out at a meeting only if the majority of the members present at the meeting so permit. Art. 50 Resumption of professional activity (a) A lawyer whose admission to practice has been suspended in accordance with Article 49 may apply for the suspension or resumption of the practice of the profession of lawyer. The applicant must provide an affidavit in support of their application indicating what they did during the period during which their licence was suspended, as well as a certificate of service or other document that includes proof of the closure of their business or other professional or professional commitments.
The application is submitted to the Registration Committee for the necessary orders. The Registration Committee may refuse permission to resume practice to persons who are otherwise qualified on the grounds that they have been removed from the list of lawyers referred to in section 26 (2) of the Act or by a Provincial Bar Council in Pakistan or abroad, or that criminal prosecution for offences related to mental disorder or pending against them for professional misconduct in Pakistan or beyond. is pending outside Pakistan or in other criminal proceedings. other reasonable and sufficient reasons. (b) it comes into force on November 1, 2002 and is deemed to be implemented from that date; The Sindh Bar Council consists of the Deputy Chairman and the Chairman of the Executive Committee, both of whom are elected annually by the members of the Sindh Bar Council, and the members of the Sindh Bar Council are elected by lawyers from different constituencies in Sindh Province. The term of office of members is five years, beginning on 1 January, with elections held each year in November to fill the seats of those whose term expires the following January. The Advocate General of Sindh shall act ex officio as Chairman of the Sindh Bar Council. The Advocate General shall not exercise the powers conferred on the other elected members of the Council. 67. Minutes of meetings (A) The Bar Council shall keep a register containing all information on the names of the parties concerned, the decisions taken and taken before the Disciplinary Council and at the level of the Court. All relevant records or these procedures will be kept until they are destroyed by express written instruction of the Bar Council.